Father Tropa's Mini Zoo
Well, perhaps you wonder why I called it 'Mini Zoo'. Don't laugh but it's my first time visiting a zoo. I thought they have many animals there but I found out they have a few and most of it are monkeys in cages. Only baby monkeys are allowed to roam outside the case. They are harmless. When I was there, one baby monkey, the size of a medium puppy but slender of course, was following me with hand/paw open begging for food. I felt sorry for it. I was not thinking of bringing food there or at least some ripe bananas, sure that small little thing will be happy. We paid the entrance fee of 20 pesos each, 10 pesos for kids. The care takers there are mostly elderly, I think in their 50s or more. They were all barefoot with their long not-so groom hairs. We watched the animals first. There were geese, crocodiles, monkeys, guinea pigs (lots of them), a crow, turtles, a deer, wild boar and a toothless snake. The crocodiles are in metal cages approximately 4 square meter...